Proper Closing In A Dating Site Message Rating: 3,7/5 3511 reviews

Oct 23, 2017 Online dating messages: great examples and rules. It is only half of the battle to attract a woman by a photo on an online dating site. You have to consolidate this achievement. A woman, choosing a man on a dating service, will not be satisfied just with your handsome appearance. First message to send a woman on a dating site - Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Looking for an old soul like myself.

  1. The first message or letter when meeting online should leave a good impression from the start. Following our advice, you will be able to correctly write your first message or letter and start.
  2. Talking to someone on a dating site has its challenges. Learn how you can outmaneuver these challenges so that you can find love.

Try not to take it personally.

Originally Published:

You message them. They don’t write back. You message another match. No response. The person you matched with last week isn’t writing back either, and at this point, you’re asking yourself what the heck is going on. Did the algorithm change on the dating app you’re using? Is something wrong with your profile? It’s super frustrating to feel like you’re shouting into the void on dating apps, but before you delete them all in a fit of rage, know this: On Tinder, getting no response from matches can mean a lot of different things. Try not to take it personally, friends.

According to professional dating profile writer Eric Resnick, over a quarter of the users on swipe-based dating apps like Tinder are likely just there to look at profiles for entertainment purposes. “Many of these people just swipe without any intention of communicating with you,” Resnick tells Elite Daily. “Some are just swiping mindlessly to get to the next profile.”


Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and host of The Kurre and Klapow Show agrees, saying that for many people, swiping on dating apps is all about volume. “This is not an intimate, interpersonal process,” Klapow tells Elite Daily. “It is about finding as many possibilities as possible with the hopes of finding, within the possibilities, someone they are interested in.”

You may simply be matching with folks who aren’t looking for legit connections — but if that’s not the case, then here are some other explanations for why your matches aren’t biting.

Your Message Didn’t Include A Question

Though it’s super tempting to send all your matches a “hey” and call it a day, Resnick encourages dating app users to give the messages they send some thought. “The best move is to ask them a question about something in their profile,” Resnick says. “First messages should be questions that can’t be answered in a yes or no.” If you match with someone who calls themselves a “coffee aficionado” in their bio, ask them, “How do you like your coffee?” If they claim their fondest childhood memory was vacationing with their family, try, “Where’s the best place you’ve ever vacationed?” The possibilities are endless here.

Your Message Was Too Lengthy

Just as “hey” won’t get you a response, there’s a good chance your novel-length message will get you passed up, too. With so many matches out there, most people won’t take the time to read the paragraph you’ve sent, no matter how witty or insightful. As SpoonMeetSpoon owner Meredith Golden previously told Elite Daily, 'Long-winded is unattractive on apps. How many times have you been stuck in a conversation with a talker, smiling on the outside, but cringing on the inside, trying to plan your exit? Well, same goes for dating apps, but there's no need for social graces.” Instead, that message you spent so long composing will just be ignored.

Your Message Wasn’t Original

If you’re using the same tired pick-up lines on every match, then you shouldn’t be too surprised if you’re not getting the results you want. And if you’re using a pick-up line that isn’t even original to you, then you should def retire it and try a new approach. As Erika Ettin, dating coach and founder of A Little Nudge, previously pointed out to Elite Daily, “You don't need (or want) to attract everyone; you want to attract the people who think you're the cat's meow because of your uniqueness.” Show those matches just how unique you are!

Your Message Relied Too Much On Emojis

Emojis can be a super fun way to add some personality to a message — but when you don’t know someone, it’s better to use them in moderation. Not everyone interprets all emojis the same way, and even if someone can figure out what you're trying to get across, it'll probably take too much time and effort, which may lead them to ignore your message. 'The goal is to catch someone's attention in a short amount of time,' Ettin said. 'Using too many emojis causes someone's eyes to glaze over because they don't want to have to decipher each one.”

Your Message Came On Too Strong

While it can be hard to find a balance between feisty and abrasive, you should be careful not to alienate matches with a message that’s too forward. What you hoped would make someone laugh may actually cause offense, so you should probs save messages that are sexual or strongly opinionated for when you get to know your match better. As Golden pointed out, if “you wouldn’t say it in public,” you shouldn’t say it to a match. “There’s a reason you don’t walk into a Starbucks and say, 'If you voted for Trump, I can’t ever sit next to you,’” she added.

If you’re worried the reason no one is responding to your messages has more to do with you than it does with them, stop right there! Remember: You’re a total catch, and anyone would be lucky to match with you and chat. But while you shouldn’t have to change yourself or your profile to attract a match, as the right person for you will be attracted to exactly what you have to offer, sending a strong first message can make a big difference.


Eric Resnick, professional dating profile writer

Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and host of The Kurre and Klapow Show

Meredith Golden, dating expert and owner of SpoonMeetSpoon

Erika Ettin, dating coach and founder of A Little Nudge

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

F.J. Jimenez/Moment/Getty Images
Originally Published:

While it's usually a good idea to breakup with someone either in person or via phone call, there are plenty of situations where it’s a-OK to send a text instead. More often than not it’ll be in fairly casual situations, like after a second date or once a hookup has run its course.

In these cases, telling the other person you no longer want to meet up shows a level of kindness and respect, says marriage and family therapist Alex Ly, AMFT. It also helps to provide clarity so that they aren’t left wondering what happened.

When a newer relationship isn’t going well, or you don’t feel a spark, it can be tempting to abruptly cut off communication and fade away without explanation. You know, a classic ghosting. And while it is OK to ghost someone if they made you feel unsafe, almost everyone else deserves a quick message to spare them anguish and confusion — and free you up to move on.

A text message breakup might also come in handy in situations where it would be unpleasant or impossible to see the person you’ve been dating. Maybe you’re breaking up with a long-distance partnerwho’s started to lose touch, calling things off with a toxic long-term hookup, or assuring that rude person you got drinks with that you never want to see them again. Here, 23 romantic scenarios where a text breakup might apply, plus the perfect way to word each one.


1. When You Didn’t Feel A Spark On A First Date

Send this: 'Thanks for meeting up for drinks last night! I don’t think there’s a romantic spark, but I wish you the best of luck out there.”

If you don’t want to see someone again due to lack of attraction or “spark,” send a text like this one. There’s no need to sugarcoat or say you “had a great time” on the date when you didn’t. You also don’t need to offer an explanation, especially since listing out all the reasons why would be too painful, says therapist Cassandra Lange, LCSW, MEd. Simply thank them for meeting up, be honest about the future, and leave it at that.

2. When You’ve Been Texting Nonstop For A Few Days

Send this: 'Thanks so much for messaging back and forth! I know it's tough to get to know someone via chat, but it doesn't seem like we're a good match at this time. I'm not interested in meeting up, but hope that you find someone soon who is!'

While it’s usually fine to stop messaging someone you’ve never met, if you’ve gotten into deep conversation it might be nice to officially call things off with a quick text. That way they won’t waste any time checking their phone.

3. When It’s Clear They Really Liked You

Send this: 'You seem like a great person and I enjoyed meeting you, but I don’t think that we are a match in a romantic way. I know you are someone else’s soulmate, and I know they are out there looking for you as well. Thank you for your time, and I wish you all the best on your path.'

A kindly-worded text like this one is perfect when the other person was really sweet or if they put a lot of effort into planning dates, says licensed marriage and family therapist Dr. Alisa Ruby Bash, PsyD, LMFT. It matches their positive energy, assures them the “breakup” wasn’t their fault, and ends things in a thoughtful way.

4. When You've Been Hooking Up

Send this: 'It's been so fun hooking up the past few weeks, but I don't see this is going anywhere relationship-wise. I'm looking for something more than a hookup and I'm sure there is someone else out there, for both of us, who will be a better fit.”

Hooking up can be fun and casual, but it can also start to feel intimate and relationship-y the longer it goes on. If you decide to put a stop to it, send a text like this one so the other person knows not to text at 1 a.m. And if they have developed a connection, they’ll know it’s time to move on.

5. When They Were Rude To The Server

Send this: 'I just wanted to let you know that I did not feel comfortable with some of your behavior at the restaurant last night. I don’t think that we are a match. I don’t want to keep communicating.”

Even though you’d probably be happy to never speak to a rude person again, it may help to send a text like this one to give things a clean, definitive ending. This is especially true if they don’t seem to realize they did something wrong. In any case, Bash suggests taking the high road by remaining civil, being honest, and letting them know you're done.

6. When You’ve Been On Three Dates

Send this: 'Thanks for giving me a chance to get to know you better. I think we are looking for different things at this time. I'm not interested in another date but I wish you all the best.'

Some folks might consider a third date early-relationship territory, which is why it’s important to let them know you don’t want to hang out again. Bash recommends taking 10 seconds to let the other person know where your head’s at, so they don’t hold out hope.

7. When It’s Officially Been Five Dates

Send this: “This has been so fun but I’ve realized that I’m not quite ready for a relationship just yet. Dating these past few weeks has made me realize that I’m not quite recovered from my last relationship, and I don’t want to be unfair to you. I need to take this time to myself. I hope you can understand.”

Clearly you liked something about this person if you got five dates deep, so what made you change your mind? Send an honest text like this one to explain why you’ve had a change of heart. Just make sure you keep it all about you.

8. When They’re Coming On Too Strong

Send this: 'Thanks for your interest in getting to know me, but I don't want to meet up or continue to talk. It’s done.'

If someone is coming on too strong — texting you incessantly, asking for photos, demanding another date, etc. — you need to be straightforward, says therapist Ashera DeRosa, LMFT. Put a stop to it with this text. And if need be, block their number.

9. When You Realize You’re Too Busy To Date

Proper Closing In A Dating Site Message Sample

Send this: 'While I've really enjoyed going on dates with you, my schedule is so full right now and I won't have time to meet up again. Maybe our paths will cross again in the future when the timing is better. Until then, I wish you well.'

Be honest if you have a lot going on by sending a text similar to this one. Who knows? You may be able to make a relationship work at some point in the future.

10. When It's They're Still Hung Up On Their Ex

Send this: 'After getting to know you a bit more, it's obvious to me that you're not quite ready to date. It may not be my place to say this but I've been in your shoes and know how important it is to take time to fully recover from a breakup before trying to date again. I hope you can get to a good place soon and find someone who makes you just as happy.'

You don't want to get serious with someone who is a) trying to get over their ex, b) prove a point to their ex, or c) pretend you're their ex. If it's clear this person’s head is stuck in the past, protect yourself by getting out ASAP. As Bash says, it's often OK to send some light advice in this situation by providing a few helpful hints as to why you weren't interested. After that, put your phone down and move onto someone new.

11. When You Get Left On Read

Send this: 'I'm trying to do my part to rid the world of ghosts so I wanted to reach out and say that though I'm really happy we met, I don't see us moving forward together. It felt right to be open about it — both for closure and to have any likely run-in be as pleasant as possible :)”

Matchmaker Danielle Selber recommends a text like this one. You can send it instead of ghosting them or send if you strongly suspect they’re already ghosting you.

12. When It’s Clear You're Drifting Apart

Send this: 'It seems like our paths are going in different directions and I need to put all my focus on my own path. Pursuing a relationship isn't going to work out.'

Similarly, if you've been on a few dates and can tells things are fizzling out, therapist Jennie Marie Battistin, M.A., LMFT suggests sending this text to officially cut ties. Call things off the moment you realize the other person isn’t into it, and you’ll spare yourself a lot of heartache down the road.

13. When Your Politics Don’t Align

Send this: “It’s clear to me now that our views are incompatible. This isn’t going to work.”

“It might already be clear to them that this isn’t going to work, so they may not be very surprised to receive the text,” Lange says. But if you had a stressful date and it’s obvious you’ll never get along, hit send and be done with it.

14. When They Ask To Be Exclusive But You Aren’t Ready/Interested

Send this: “It has been fun getting to know you, but it seems like you and I are not on the same page about how to move forward. I’m still interested in seeing who is out there for me, and you seem to be settling in on us being a couple. It is always awkward to navigate this kind of imbalance, and I wish you the best. I hope you will respect my wishes to end our relationship at this point.”

Relationship coach Dr. Terrie Lewine recommends sending a text like this one when the other person is way more into the relationship than you are, or if they start talking about a future that you don’t see for yourself. It’s better to call things off early than lead them on.

Proper closing in a dating site message letter

15. When You Realize They’re Talking To Other People

Send this: “After talking about being exclusive I was surprised to hear that you’re still on apps and going on dates. It’s clear we aren’t looking for the same thing, and I don’t want to get hurt.”

According to Lewine, you may want to share what made you incompatible. In this case, it’s the fact you’re looking for something exclusive while they still want to see who’s out there.

16. When You Just Want To Be Friends

Send this: 'I wanted to let you know that my feelings for you are much stronger as a friend than as a romantic partner. Would you like to continue our relationship as friends going forward? I'd love to keep you in my life.'

If you're serious about pursuing a friendship instead of a relationship with someone you’ve been dating, this is a good way to get the conversation going. Give them time and space to respond. Most importantly, respect their decision if they don’t want to stay in contact.

17. When Your Long-Distance Relationship Is Fading

Send this: 'I've realized the distance between us is too great and there is no immediate remedy. I am not built for a long-distance relationship. I’m sorry, I need to break this off and move on.'

Sometimes a text like this one is the best way to end a long-distance relationship, Battistin says, especially if you haven’t heard from them in a while.

18. When An Ex Texts You

Send this: “I don’t want to continue talking into the future. Please respect my decision to end our relationship.”

How you respond really depends on how you feel about your ex. If you want to remind them that you aren’t interested in getting back together or maintaining a connection, say this.

19. When Things Get Complicated

Send this: 'While I know this may not feel like the best mode to receive this information, I felt that it was best for me to get my thoughts out clearly via text and give you time to digest.'

If things have gotten confusing between you, a clear, concise text message may help end your relationship. “Explain how long you've been feeling this way,” says licensed clinical social worker Jennifer Teplin, LCSW. 'From there, be sure to clarify how you want to move forward.”

20. When They Won't Take A Hint

Proper closing in a dating site message examples

Send this: “I’ve told you quite a few times and I’ll say it again via text: I’m not interested in continuing this relationship. Please respect that so we can both move on.”

As psychiatrist Dr. Mimi Winsberg says, “If you tried telling them in person but they persist in persisting, a clear text message can serve to reinforce your lack of interest.”

21. When You’ve Been Arguing A Lot

Send this: “Our situation has not been pleasant and I am no longer interesting in pursuing any kind of relationship with you. If you reach out, I will not respond. I am crystal clear about ending this with you now. I wish you a better relationship with someone else.”

Send this text if things have gotten bad and you don’t feel comfortable — or have the energy — to break up IRL. “In this case, brevity and clarity are key” Lewine says.

Proper Closing In A Dating Site Message

22. When They Cheated On You

Send this: 'I really wish it wasn't ending this way, but I've lost all trust after learning that you cheated. Our relationship is over.'

Battistin says this text works in situations where a partner has lied, cheated, or emotionally manipulated you. Of course, it can be tricky to call things off with a single text, especially if you've been together a while or share an apartment. You’ll need to meet up or make a few phone calls before truly parting ways. But in some cases, you won't owe someone who cheated or lied much more than this.

23. When They're Controlling

Send this: 'I’m writing to let you know that I am no longer comfortable or willing to remain in this relationship. Please respect my boundaries and preferences and understand that this is best for us to grow on our own and move on.”

According to Teplin, sometimes a text like this one is the safest way to end a relationship, especially when removing yourself from a toxic situation. She also recommends having a friend or family member nearby if you feel unsafe or need moral support. Texts like this one are hard to send, but they’re the first step in a better direction.

Proper Closing In A Dating Site Message Format


Alex Ly, AMFT, marriage and family therapist

Cassandra Lange, LCSW, MEd, therapist

Proper Closing In A Dating Site Message Examples

Dr. Alisa Ruby Bash, Psy.D., LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist

Ashera DeRosa, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist

Jennie Marie Battistin, M.A., LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist

Dr. Terrie Lewine, relationship coach

Jennifer Teplin, LCSW, licensed clinical social worker

Danielle Selber, matchmaker

Dr. Mimi Winsberg, psychiatrist

This article was originally published on

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